I am particularly interested in bringing 'real life oriented' philosophical thinking into high schools, or other institutions for adolescents...anywhere in...
WY, United States
Professor Bramstedt has been an ethicist for nearly 20 years, and certified in Client Counseling (APPA) since 2010. She works...
MA, United States
Dr. David Brendel, MD, PhD is an APPA certified philosophical counselor based in Boston. He is also a practicing psychiatrist...
VA, United States
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Ph.D., Philosophy
I graduated from Southern Illinois University Carbondale with a Ph.D. in Philosophy in 2022. During my time at SIU-C, I...
LA, United States
Victor is an interdisciplinary counselor and esoteric minister with 25 years of graduate study in social sciences. He has topic...
KY, United States
BA, Theology, Philosophy, King College, 1997; MDiv, Columbia Theological Seminary, 2000; ThM, Ethics, Princeton Theological Seminary, 2001; DMin, Pastoral Counseling, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, 2009; Special Postgraduate Program, The Bowen Center for the Study of the Family, Georgetown, Washing, DC, 2009-2011; APPA-Certified Affiliate Philsophical Practitioner, 2024
MA in Philosophy, CUHK
I am an APPA-certified philosophical counsellor based in Toronto. I am going to receive training in spiritually-integrated psychotherapy at University...
living in Hong Kong, MA in Philosophy at The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chinese Philosophy lover