
Patrick Kai Lung Chan

Hong Kong

Practitioner Info

First name
Patrick Kai Lung
Last name
Display name
Patrick Kai Lung Chan

In my over 30 years of business management experience, I have witnessed many colleagues and business partners experience ups and downs in their careers. Work-related problems and stress have affected their health, family and daily life to varying degrees. Through philosophical counseling, I hope to help those who are facing various challenging situations in the workplace to alleviate their confusion and distress, and to improve their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

MA in Philosophy (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Master of Economics (Australian National University), Bachelor of Economics (Honour) (University of Sydney)
Favorite Philosophers
Epictetus, Seneca, Mencius, Zhuangzi, Pierre Hadot
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Languages English, Chinese (Cantonese)
Issues Workplace situations and midlife anxiety, Retirement anxiety and planning (before, during and after retirement), Meaning of life and general relationships issues
Approaches Whether it is top management or ordinary employees, there are often worries and uneasiness about the future of their careers, as well as experiencing interpersonal relationship issues with bosses, colleagues or subordinates. Coupled with other life situations outside of work, such as family (parents, spouse and children) relationships, retirement planning, illness, life and death, etc., this can lead to confusion about the meaning of life, anxiety about the uncertain future, and a sense of helplessness in the face of impermanence. My approach is to unlock the philosophical thinking inherent in each person, through candid conversations with clients, and by Listening, Analyzing, Clarifying and Exploring together. Through this 4-step (LACE) process, I aim to help clients find various possibilities on how to face different life situations. This may involve revisiting some taken-for-granted common beliefs and deeply held social values. There is no single magic solution that works for everyone, as each case is unique. Through rational dialogue, I hope clients can gradually reconstruct a basic outlook on life and values ​​that is suitable for themselves and at the same time, also sustainable. Changing ingrained ideas, values ​​and judgments is easier said than done. It requires repeated reflection and practice before it can become a new thinking habit. During this process, I will continue to support clients in applying their newfound perspectives in their daily lives through regular dialogue, with the goal of ultimately achieving spiritual serenity., "There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will." - EPICTETUS
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