Hendrik is single mindedly focused on guiding people and business to make better decision. Decisions that are good for themselves,...
CA, United States
Certified Philosophical Counselor, Licensed Clinical Psychology, Ph.D., B.A. Philosophy
Gauteng, South Africa
My work is primarily located in institutional policy and practice with particular reference to transformation and social justice, while my...
Free State, South Africa
My degrees are in philosophy and logic, with the most recent being a PhD from the University of the Free State.
What better place to begin in philosophy than the discipline's most famous maxim, "Know thyself," which was inscribed on the...
NY, United States
MPhil, Philosophy and Education, Columbia University
Rory is currently an ABD doctoral candidate in the Philosophy and Education Program at Teachers College, Columbia University in the...
AZ, United States
PhD, University of Washington
A philosophical practitioner can place the history of philosophy and the art of philosophical reasoning at your disposal in order...
OR, United States
Ph.D. in Philosophy from The New School for Social Research
I help adults grapple with the search for meaning and purpose, the clarification of core beliefs and values, ethical dilemmas,...
Zhiyuan Wang (Ph.D., Nanjing University) is Professor of Philosophy, Neo-Existantialist Philosopher, Philosophical Counselor, Life Mentor, memeber of APPA, core member...
CA, United States
Trauma Integration for Sensitive People APPA-Certified Philosophical Counselor + Associate Marriage and Family Therapist (California) Offering Psychotherapy in California +...