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Tianqun Pan

Jiangsu, China

Ph.D. , Wuhan University, China

Professor of Philosophy, Nanjing University Philosophical Practitioner Organizer of Nanjing Tea Saloon of Philosophy since 2023

Harris Papachristopoulos

I am a psychologist, psychotherapist and philosophical counsellor based in Edinburgh, UK. I also provide my services online with people...

Max Parish

CA, United States

Ph.D. Philosophy; M.A. Philosophy; B.A. Philosophy; A.S. Aviation Maintenance Technology

I’ve studied philosophy for over two decades and taught it for one. I’ve also spent hundreds of hours under the...

Michael Picard


Philosopher and author Michael Picard holds an MSc and PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has taught philosophy, psychology,...

Massimo Pigliucci

NY, United States

Massimo Pigliucci is the K.D. Irani Professor of Philosophy at the City College of New York. His books include How...

Benjamin Polansky

TN, United States

Joanna Polley

Ontario, Canada

Bogdan Popoveniuc


I am a ordinary person, which habitually exercises to look at myself through the eyes of the other person, that...

Dominick Porcella

NY, United States

Mihail Pricop


Master’s degree in Philosophical Counseling and Consultancy at University Vest Timisoara

Philosophical counseling and consultancy for individuals, groups and organisations, dilemma training, ethical counseling and philosophy for children. Training Manager at...

Kathy Purnell

Kathy Purnell, J.D., Ph.D., C.P.C., is a Michigan-based attorney, part-time instructor of Political Philosophy, and President of AdvocatesROC, L.3.C. AdvocatesROC...

Kathy Purnell

MI, United States

Ph.D. Cornell University (Political Theory/Government), J.D. DePaul University College of Law, A.B. Harvard University

Kathy Purnell, Esq., Ph.D., is a certified affiliate of APPA. She has over two decades of professional experience as a...

Sudeep Raj Kumar


I am a graduate in Computer Sciences from PEC University of Technology, India who migrated to philosophy. I am pursuing...

Michael Ratajczak

OH, United States

Ricardo Razuk

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

PhD Candidate Paris I Sorbonne; Master in Philosophy PUC-Rio; Master in Administration COPPEAD/UFRJ; Master in Engineering and Industrial Management University of Porto; Graduated in Production Engineer UFRJ; Graduating in Psychology UERJ.

Specialized in Skeptic Therapy. Philosophical Skepticism. Philosophy of Doubt. Philosophy of Desire.

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