Ricardo Morte Ferrer
Practitioner Info
Email |
rmorte@arcor.de |
First name |
Ricardo |
Last name |
Morte Ferrer |
Display name |
Ricardo Morte Ferrer |
Description |
Ricardo Morte Ferrer, is a Spanish Lawyer, Data Protection and Compliance Consultant, Lead Auditor ISO 37001 (Anti-Bribery Systems) and APPA Certified Affiliate. President of the Laboratorio de Investigación e Intervención Filosófica y Ética. Member of the Board of the International Applied Ethics and Technology Association. |
Education |
Law Degree (Spain), Master Sports Law, (UdL) Master Information and Knowledge Society (UOC). |
Favorite Philosophers |
Epictetus, Thoreau |
City |
Göttingen |
Languages | Spanish, English, German |
Issues | Philosophy of Health, Ethics |
Approaches | Eclectic |
Connect |