Philosophical Practice, Volume 15.1, March 2020, printed edition
Beaini, Carolina Article: Hermeneutics and Clinical Philosophy clinical philosophy, hermeneutics, interpretation, thought, practical, comprehension, recognition, will, power, action Volume 15, Number 1, March 2020, 2428-2841
Grimes, Pierre Article: Philosophical Midwifery and the Platonic Tradition philosophical midwifery, Plato, Proclus, self, logos, pathologos Volume 15, Number 1, March 2020, 2442-2448
Weiss, Michael Noah Article: The Edifying Turn: Is Philosophical Practice in Need of a New Paradigm? pedagogical philosophical practice, education, pedagogy, wisdom, paideia, phronesis Volume 15, Number 1, March 2020, 2449-2458
Jones, Shanti Article: A Moral Argument Against Lying on the Couch dehumanization, ethics of representation, immoral, psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, sexual boundary violations Volume 15, Number 1, March 2020, 2459-2462
Salvetti, Fernando Review: How We Hope: A Moral Psychology Review: How We Hope: A Moral Psychology Volume 15, Number 1, March 2020, 2463-2467
Kroll, Jorn Review: Panpsychism: Contemporary Perspectives Review: Panpsychism: Contemporary Perspectives Volume 15, Number 1, March 2020, 2468-2471
Lebon, Tim Review: Think Like a Roman Emperor Review: Think Like a Roman Emperor Volume 15, Number 1, March 2020, 2472-2474
Gimbel, Steven Review: A Philosophy of Humour Review: A Philosophy of Humour Volume 15, Number 1, March 2020, 2472-2474