Socratic Dialogue Training: Private Page

Process for Primary Certification as a Facilitator of Nelsonian Socratic Dialogue

Thanks for identifying yourself as both interested and qualified to become an APPA-Certified Facilitator.


Step 1. You will participate in an initial one-day Socratic dialogue, in a group of 6 (5 or 7 also possible).
Step 2: You will participate in a second day-long Socratic dialogue, at least one week later, in a group of 6 (5 or 7 also possible.)
Step 3. You then be eligible to participate in a 2-day training dialogue, wherein each participant will practice facilitating the group of 6 (5 or 7 also possible).

Dialogues start at 8:00 a.m. and end at 4:00 p.m. EST, via Zoom.


Two short readings will be provided after enrollment, and prior to the initial dialogue.
Each group should choose their question prior to the dialogue, by communicating and achieving consensus without the facilitator. Thus the dialogue can begin with the question itself.


Each participant should be current in their membership dues. (Please login to view your expiry date. Contact if you need tech support.)

The participation fee for each day-long Socratic dialogue is $200 ($400 for both dialogues). The participation fee for the 2-day training dialogue is $400. These fees can be paid separately when enrolling for each step.

Dates and Sign-Up for the Initial Dialogue

Six dates have been proposed such that, ideally, each of our 27 participants will be able to join a group of 5, 6 or 7 people for the initial dialogue. E.g. 3 groups of 7 plus 1 group of 6 equals 27. Or 4 groups of 5 plus 1 group of 7 equals 27.

Available dates are posted on this sign-up sheet: Do not share this link!

Please use this sheet to sign up for your initial one-day dialogue. Choose ONE DATE only, the EARLIEST date you can make! Enter your name in a green cell under your chosen date. If all green cells are full under a given date (i.e. maximum 7 participants), please choose a different date. Then:

To Confirm Your Enrollment

To confirm your enrollment on the date you have chosen, please make a donation of $200 here:

It is 100% tax-deductible for US taxpayers.

Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel your participation after you have enrolled, you may re-enroll on a different available date, subject to a $50 administrative fee.

Further-Future Dates

If none of the posted dates works for you, we will post more going forward. Everyone will have opportunities to complete this process and become Certified as Facilitators. Thanks for your engagement and patience! The response from 27 members is happily more than expected, and APPA will work to accommodate everyone.







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