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Francisco Iracheta


I am a Philosopher, College Professor of Humanities and Consultant. I have 20 years of experience in teaching philosophy for...

William Irwin

PA, United States

Ph.D. in Philosophy from the State University of New York at Buffalo

Drawing on Buddhism, Daoism, Existentialism, Stoicism, and other philosophies, I apply the timeless wisdom of East and West to your...

Ann Johnson

ID, United States

My goal is to open an nonjudgmental holding space where one can encounter facets of themselves that may become the...

Barbara Jones

NM, United States

Lawrence Kammer

MI, United States

I am a retired clinical instructor and assistant professor of medical education. I am also a physician assistant - certified,...

Magnus Kane

UT, United States

I'm a certified philosophical counselor with APPA. I have been interested in philosophy my whole life (especially existentialism, stoicism, and...

Bhumika Kanjilal


Bhumika Kanjilal is a certified associate in Client Counselling from the American Philosophical Practitioners Association and Philosophical Practitioners Association of...

Akshat Kapur

Hello, I'm Akshat, and I hail from the mountainous regions of Northern India. I'm a professional coach, philosophical consultant and...

Shahin Kaveh

CO, United States

Philosopher, therapist, and fellow human

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