The American Philosophical Practitioners Association is a non-profit educational corporation. It admits Certified, Affiliate, Associate, Adjunct and Auxiliary Plus Members solely on the basis of their respective qualifications. It admits Auxiliary Members solely on the basis of their interest in and support of philosophical practice. APPA does not discriminate with respect to members or clients on the basis of nationality, race, ethnicity, sex, gender, age, religious belief, political persuasion, or other professionally or philosophically irrelevant criteria.
Please note: membership fees are non-refundable, except in cases that result from joining in an inappropriate category. In such cases, APPA will assign the appropriate category, and will either refund or invoice the difference in fees, as the case may be.
Affiliate, Associate, Adjunct, Auxiliary Plus, and Auxiliary Members are entirely self-selecting. Please click tabs below for details.
- Counseling or consulting professionals (JD, LSW, MD, licensed psychologists) may join as Affiliate Members.
- Holders of graduate degrees other than philosophy may join as Associate Members.
- MAs, Licensura, ABDs or PhDs in philosophy may join as Adjunct Members.
- BAs with major in philosophy may join as Auxiliary Plus Members.
- Students, friends or supporters of philosophy may join as Auxiliary Members.
- Individuals or Organizations may Donate to APPA.
NB: Holders of graduate degrees in Philosophy of Education or Philosophy of Religion, please read APPA’s Policy on Equivalency to an M.A. in Philosophy.
Adjunct Members may become Certified Practitioners
- by completing an APPA Certification Program
Affiliate Members may become Certified Affiliates
- by completing an APPA Certification Program
Please read Membership Criteria carefully (see below) before joining APPA
If you know which category is right for you, please join here
If you are unsure about which category is right for you,
please send a query to with your CV or Resume.

Auxiliary Memberships are offered to friends and supporters of philosophical practice. The APPA Auxiliary welcomes all who wish to join in this capacity–including students, workers or retired persons. No special qualifications are necessary, beyond an interest in leading an examined life. Auxiliary Members are eligible to enroll in Barefoot Philosopher Programs, to attend regular events and meetings, and to enjoy all other benefits of membership.

Auxiliary Plus Memberships are offered to holders of an earned B.A. with a major, specialization, or honors concentration in Philosophy. Auxiliary Plus Members are eligible to enroll in Well-Shod Philosopher Programs, to attend regular events and meetings, and to enjoy all other benefits of membership.

Adjunct Memberships are offered to holders of an earned M.A., ABD or Ph.D. in Philosophy (or Licensura in Hispanic countries). Adjunct Members are eligible to attend APPA Certification Programs, the completion of which enables them to become Certified Members. Adjunct Members are also eligible to attend regular events and meetings, and to enjoy all other benefits of membership.

Associate Memberships are offered to holders of an earned M.A., ABD or Ph.D. in any discipline other than Philosophy. (JDs, MDs, LCSWs and licensed psychotherapists should join as Affiliates.) Associate Members are eligible to enroll in APPA Institute Programs. Associate Members are also eligible to attend regular events and meetings, and to enjoy all other benefits of membership.

Affiliate Memberships are offered to recognized counseling or consulting professionals in recognized fields (e.g. medicine, psychiatry, psychology, social work, law) who wish to become identified and better-acquainted with philosophical practice. Affiliate Members may become APPA Certified Affiliates by enrolling in and completing a Certification Program. Affiliate Members are also eligible to attend regular events and meetings, and to enjoy all other benefits of membership.

Certified Memberships are offered to experienced philosophical practitioners–client counselors, group facilitators, or organizational consultants–who meet APPA requirements. Certified Members are listed in the APPA Directory of Certified Practitioners, and are eligible for referrals and other professional benefits. Certified Members are bound by the APPA Code of Ethical Professional Practice, and are committed to regular professional development.